School of Walking - Lobau

School of Walking: Lobau oder Umbau?

Do., 10.10.2024, 10:00 – 12:00
Meeting Point: U2 Hausfeldstraße (Station and Exit), Hausfeldstraße U2, 1220 Wien, Österreich

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The School of Walking sheds light on the investments of citizens, democratic questions and questions of the law. The artists Bik Van der Pol (NL) invite Martina Handler and Laura Grossmann to lead a walk to a site that speaks back to these urgencies, taking into account promises imbedded in the language: As part of the facilitators for the Austrian Climate Citizens' Assembly »Klimarat« the experts lead a walk at the national park area Lobau, a contested site with for many years ongoing protest against a scheduled highway project. In collaboration with KÖR – Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien und KEX – Kunsthalle Exnergasse.

Begrenzte Teilnehmer:innenzahl! Bitte um verbindliche Anmeldung!

Limited number of participants! Registration is binding!

The tour can be amplified via smartphone and heaphones. Please bring it with you.

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